A2Z Massage Therapy: A2Z is staffed my the amazing Anthony Zillmer, Chelsea's premier massage therapist. He's your massage resource from relaxation to rehabilitation.
Alpha Workshops: The Alpha Workshops is the nation’s only non-profit decorative arts studio that trains people with HIV/AIDS and offers employment in a supportive environment.
Callen-Lorde: A great, comprehensive healthcare provider for all gay people but especially HIV+ people.
Friends In Deed: A local group dedicated to providing support and guidance to those facing chronic or terminal illness.
Gay Life NYC: Gay Life NYC is a comprehensive resource website.
Gay Men's Health Crisis: Tons of great resources, programming, and services - one of the biggest HIV service organizations in the world.
HIV Yoga. Fridays: 12:00 PM-1:30 PM. Iyengar Yoga Institute. 150 W 22 St, Eleventh Floor. Free.
HIV Yoga. Saturdays: 1:15 PM-2:45 PM. Integral Yoga Institute, 227 W 13 St, $7 recommended donation (pay what you can).
In Care: Dedicated to patient retention in HIV+ care, with an eye on better health and fuller living!
LGBT Center: The Center is dedicated to celebrating gay life and institutions, while providing resources for members of the community.
MassageTherapy: (Tell Tommy I sent you and you'll get a discount!). 917-463-6640.
New York Buyers Club: A place to buy vitamins and supplements.
Nothing But Guys: A great monthly meet up for dinner and socializing. Write to them to be added to their email list and you'll get updates right to your inbox! Guys165727@aol.com
The One Distinction Project: A project about sharing breakthroughs in releasing self-stigmatization associated with HIV.
Poz Retreat: This 4-day retreat is an international gathering of HIV-positive gay and bi-sexual men who seek to enrich their lives through deeper insights, awareness and connections to both the community and oneself. July 21-23, 2017.
Smart Recovery NYC: An alternative to 12-step recovery.
Spencer Cox Center for Health: The newly-relocated resource for HIV+ people seeking care
Positive Alliance: A weekly email with lots of chances to meet up and share resources!
POZ: An online community for HIV+ people, and the online version of Poz Magazine.
POZIAM: An online radio show and social network for HIV+ men and their supporters.
Poz Personals: The personals portion of Poz.com.
Strength In Numbers: The goal of SIN is to empower poz guys to build better, healthier relationships and learn more about HIV related issues from each other as peers.
Volttage: HIV+ Project Runway star Jack Mackenroth's dating/etc. website.
ACRIA: A great resource.
Atripla & Complera Co-pay Assistance Program - 877-505-6986.
AIDS Meds: A valuable medical resource for treatment information.
AIDSMap News: A UK-based information site.
BETA Blog: Your bright and brainy source on new developments in HIV prevention, evolving approaches to HIV treatment, and strategies for living well with the virus.
The Body: A valuable medical resource.
Manhattan Pain Medicine, PLLC: Jason W. Siefferman, MD is board-certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) and Pain Medicine. He is trained to offer a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation and holistic treatment for anyone suffering with pain or a disability. He also offers injections for facial wasting.
Positively Aware Annual HIV Drug Guide: It’s got clickable links for each medication. There is also a great downloadable booklet, but as it’s a large file I didn’t want to send through email. The rest of the site has a wealth of info too!
PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis): A medication (Truvada) that can be taken daily to prevent HIV infection.
Timothy Eric Nutrition (TEN): Timothy is a Board Certified Holistic Health Coach who has a proven track record of helping those who are HIV positive optimize their immune system while lowering stress and increasing energy. Sign up for his newsletter on his website!